"Parents and carers who shared their views could not praise the school highly enough. One parent summed up the views of many, ‘All the staff go above and beyond to provide an outstanding education for our children’s futures.’" - Ofsted 2023
Our Staff
Mr A. Cregan - Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Miss E. Wright - Deputy Headteacher, Assessment & Inclusion Manager, Deputy DSL - Reception
Miss G. Cunningham - English Lead, Computing Lead, SENDCo - Year 2
Mr J. Ormrod - Year 5
Miss M. Lowe - D&T & Science Lead - Year 1
Mrs B. Parkinson - Music Lead, Maths Lead, Deputy DSL, Curriculum Co-Lead, - Year 4
Mrs K. Rafferty - Geography & History Lead,
Mr E. Phillips - (Mat Cover for Mrs Rafferty) - Year 3
Miss J. Wallace - Art Lead, KS1 Computing Lead - Year 6
Mrs T. Ward - Finance & Administration Officer
Mr C. Bithell - Business Manager
Miss V. Almond - HLTA, Eco Lead
Mrs J. Bithell - SHLTA, Nurture Lead
Mrs A. Whitton - HLTA
Mrs B. Balfour - TA
Mrs L. Clarke - TA
Miss K. Conroy - TA, Breakfast Club
Mrs T. Flores - TA
Mrs M. Goulding - TA
Mrs D. Holden - TA, After-school Club
Mrs A. Scott - TA, Breakfast Club
Miss V. Turner - TA, Breakfast & After-school Club Lead
Miss R. Webber - TA
Mrs S. West - TA
Mrs K. Flynn - TA
Mrs A. Dowling - Caretaker
Miss B. Balfour - Welfare Assistant
Miss K. Derbyshire - Welfare Assistant
Mrs A. Dowling - Welfare Assistant
Miss L. Ellison - Welfare Assistant
Mrs T. Flores - Welfare Assistant
Mrs A. Scott - Welfare Assistant
"Pupils bask in the warm and caring relationships that staff provide. Leaders and staff work tirelessly, so that pupils are happy and safe. Leaders deal swiftly and effectively with any rare incidents of unkind behaviour, including bullying.’"
Ofsted 2023
Mr Cregan is the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for all concerns regarding Safeguarding, Miss Wright or Mrs Parkinson (Deputy DSLs) in Mr Cregan's absence.
Please contact any of them via school in confidence, if you have any concerns.