"Parents and carers who shared their views could not praise the school highly enough. One parent summed up the views of many, ‘All the staff go above and beyond to provide an outstanding education for our children’s futures.’" - Ofsted 2023
Statutory Information
Every Voluntary Aided (VA) school must publish certain information on their web site, here you will have access to that and other useful informaion and links to other external web sites.
For the DfE School Performance Table Website CLICK HERE
For the School Financial Bench-marking data CLICK HERE
There are no members of staff who earn £100,000 or more
School Policies & Forms
Please see below a list of policies & forms that may be of interest/use to you. If you require any policy/form below in printed format or another policy not listed below please contact the school office.
Here you can find information about the curriculum your child will be taught.
If you would like further information regarding the curriculum your child will be following please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher or the headteacher.
Alternatively, the following website links to the National Curriculum:
Curriculum Development: Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Our Lady’s R.C. Primary School, we strive to ensure that all pupil have access to a rich and balanced curriculum which is relevant to 21st century life and which encourages children to become lifelong learners. Enriching the curriculum with first hand experiences, pertinent educational visits and expert visitors further brings learning to life for children at Our Lady’s. Please CLICK HERE to read more about Curriculum Development: Intent, Implementation and Impact.
Curriculum Pledge
Our Curriculum Pledge can be read by CLICKING HERE.
"Pupils benefit from an exceptionally well-designed and highly ambitious curriculum, which expands pupils’ minds and horizons. Leaders provide pupils with a vast array of experiences, visits and visitors to school to enrich the curriculum. This helps them to ensure that their curriculum is broad and balanced and prepares pupils extremely well for life in modern Britain." - Ofsted 2023
Further information on each curriculum subject can be found by selecting the title below.
Our Lady's 2023
National 2023
Outcomes for Pupils at Our Lady's
See below for YR GLD (Good Level of Development) results, and trends with previous years and national comparisons.
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage/ Reception Class) Results
2023 Y1 Phonics Screening Check - results of the Y1 Phonics Screening Check, and trends with previous years
* Data for 2021-22 was administered nationally in the Autumn term for Y2 pupils due to COVID
2023 KS1 (Y2) Teacher Assessment Results and comparisons with FFT/National 2023
*FFT National Data 2023
Attainment for Reading, Writing, Maths and R/W/M combined are all above national for Expected + and above at a Greater Depth Level
2023 KS2 (Y6) Test Results (Internal Data and Compared to National FFT Data)
* FFT National Data 2023
** GPS (Grammar, Punctuation & spelling)
Despite the huge challenges posed by the COVID lockdown, our blended learning and catch up curriculum enabled our pupils to make rapid progress.
Attainment for Reading, Writing, maths GPS* and R/W/M combined are all above national for Expected + and above at a Greater Depth Level.
The floor standard is the minimum standard for pupil attainment and / or progress that the government expects schools to meet.
Our Lady's exceeded the requirements of the floor standard in 2016 & 2017.
Interpreting progress scores Progress scores will be centred around 0, with most schools within the range of -5 to +5.
· A score of 0 means pupils in this school on average do about as well at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
· A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
· A negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.