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Religious Education (R.E.)

R.E. Curriculum Information


Religious Education will be made available to every pupil by every teacher and will be presented to pupils in a variety of forms with regard to pupil’s needs and abilities.  Class teachers will teach Religious Education through appropriate learning activities, experiences of life, and opportunities for prayer and worship. This includes following the Come and See curriculum and Caritas in Action programme.


Pupils are encouraged to accept responsibility for their own actions and relationships and to care for themselves, each other and the environment.  The school will support the work of groups or individuals in the local parish and the dioceses and opportunities will be offered for pupils to learn about respond to some of the needs of the worldwide human family through charitable organisations. 


By enabling pupils to learn and appreciate how beliefs affect people in their lives, Religious Education will make a vital contribution to the understanding, mutual respect and cooperation between Christianity and other faiths.


Come and See


Come and See is a Catholic Primary Religious Education programme for Foundation and Key stages 1 and 2. The programme of study, written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors was introduced across the Federation in September 2012 and has been warmly received by staff and pupils. The child friendly material provided within Come and See allows children to explore the teachings of the Catholic church through the use of age appropriate resources and activities.


Each year group from Foundation 1 to year 6 have their own list of focus topics to consider throughout the academic year. The topic will coincide with the church calendar however, the depth in which the topic is explored is dependent upon the respective age of the child. For example, during Lent, whilst all children will learn about the plight of Christ, our Early Years children will consider the importance of growing and new life; Key Stage 1 children explore the effect of change and opportunities, with Key Stage 2 children considering the importance of self-discipline, sacrifice, death and new life.


At the heart of the programme is the mystery of God’s self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ. Come and See gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition. Come and See also provides opportunity for children to compare the Catholic faith with other faiths. Here at Our Lady’s, we participate in multi-faith weeks to fully explore and develop children’s understanding of the wider religious community.


Please see attached documents for an overview of the Come and See curriculum maps and overviews for more detail.


Caritas in Action


Caritas in Action is a unique programme of engaging teaching and learning opportunities surrounding the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching.


Here at Our Lady’s we deliver the programme through a range of collective worships, assemblies, discussion and practical activities. Children will explore the seven themes across the year within their RE and PSHE learning as well as linking with SMSC strands across the curriculum.


Below are some examples of the community work that we take part in at Our Lady’s RC Primary School. Please visit the Faith Teams page to find out more about our Caritas team and their latest community work.


Building the Kingdom


We are a Building the Kingdom, Level 2 school. This means that our entire wider curriculum is enhanced with creative aspects of RE, for example, analysing art work, scripture and participating in child-initiated learning linked to the liturgical calendar that prompts children to wonder, in response to Big Questions. This enhances children's spirituality and connection to God, themselves, other people and the Earth, with RE being central to all foundation subjects. 


As part of Building the Kingdom Level 3, we have focused teaching around developing children's oracy skills. It is important at Our Lady's that children are able to confidently speak out, be advocates for change and justify their actions with relevant explanations. "You are never too small to make a difference." Greta Thunberg (2003)




There are a number of documents that provide further information on this subject or are relevant to particular year groups. Click on the relevant title to open the document.


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